All abilities trek to the summit of Mount Kosciuszko - Australia's highest peak

All abilities trek to the summit of Mount Kosciuszko - Australia's highest peak
All abilities trek to the summit of Mount Kosciuszko - Australia's highest peak - © Jennifer Johnson 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Social Diversity: A Look at Tourism in Italy

This paper takes a broader, quantitative approach to looking at social diversity within tourism by exploring the phenomenon of accessible tourism in Italy.

Viviani, A., & Giusti, A. (2013). W). Social diversity: A look at tourismJournal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 4.2(8), 57-64.

Copyright © 2013 Association for Sustainable Education, Research and Science (ASERS). All rights reserved.

Social Diversity: A Look at Tourism

Viviani, Alessandro;
Guisti, Antonio

Photo 1: no visit to Rome would be the same
without experiencing the Colosseum
This paper addresses the issue of social diversity, with reference to the phenomenon of tourism in Italy. Social inequality influences numerous socio-economic phenomena: tourism has been scarcely examined under this perspective. Tourism has significant effects at social level: both on travelers and on the inhabitants of the visited regions. Italy that is one of the most important touristic nations is significantly affected by the phenomena we are studying and, therefore, is an ideal context to analyze and identify the characteristics of tourism and its interaction on various aspects of social diversity. We could consider the interactions on tourism by persons with different economic and social conditions, race, gender, age, religion, mentality. These issues are usually considered by qualitative approaches. This paper attempts to give a quantitative dimension to these phenomena looking for possible statistical and administrative sources. We examined some, direct and indirect, official sources of the National Statistical System and other sources disseminated by European projects and research institutions. To get a more detailed picture of a particular form of social tourism, we used the data provided to us by a very active association in this area. This study is only a first approach in order to find a strategy to help assessing some quantitative characteristics of accessible tourism. The development of this type of tourism shall imply actions, techniques, and policies aimed at reducing the problems about social diversity in the sector, in order to make tourism become a factor of social inclusion.

Photo 2: the experience is enhanced with professional guiding experience that has an understanding of disability and access as used by Simon Darcy in 2012 as part of a tourist services testing
Photo 3: the experience would not be possible unless  the Italian authorities had provided the requisite infrastructure to support disability and access at the Coliseum. This picture shows a ramp leading to a lift - other historical cultural authorities should take note that if the Italians can do it to a major historical building then anyone can!
Keywords: social distress; statistical sources; tourism

Full reference:

Viviani, A., & Giusti, A. (2013). W). Social diversity: A look at tourism. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 4.2(8), 57-64.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Australian research study recruiting participants: Private vehicle access, modification and trip planning by people with disability

Research Study:
Private vehicle access, modification, and trip planning by people with disability.

This is a notice about a research study being conducted by the University of Technology, Sydney & OT Solutions for the NSW Department of Family & Community Services on private vehicle access, modification, and trip planning by people with disability.
Your participation in this study is highly valued whether you are driver with disability, have a modified vehicle for yourself or a family member with disability for private transport purposes or would like a modified private vehicle but have been unable to obtain one. 
This part of the study involves a questionnaire to gather your experiences in driving, having a vehicle modified, finding funding for the modifications, trip planning, and your service and parking station access.
The questionnaire has been developed in collaboration with the Physical Disability Council NSW.
The information provided will be used to better position the Department for future development and provision of information in this important area of citizenship.
The questionnaire will take approximately 15-25 minutes to complete depending on whether you are a driver, owner of the vehicle or somebody who wishes to own a private modified vehicle. 
To begin the questionnaire please click on the following link to the questionnaire

For further information about the research project or any other inquiries please contact the project coordinator:
Prof Simon Darcy (02) 9514-5100
All responses are anonymous and confidential. The project has been approved by the UTS Human Research Ethics Committee 2009-404P[3] and any ethical issues arising from the research can be discussed with the UTS Research Ethics Manager on Ph: 02 9514-1279
Photo: Simon Darcy's Paravan hand controls on a low floor Chrysler Voyager

Sunday, April 6, 2014

IV International Congress on Tourism for All Research Papers And Videos of Keynote Sessions

In a follow-up to my previous post on the IV International Congress on Tourism for All, the organisers Fundacion ONCE have produced a wonderful legacy of the Congress by providing access to the program resources.

The main legacy page can be found at IV International Congress on Tourism for All, which provides a host of resources including the overall organisational structure, program, videos and interviews with key presenters.

However, what is really impressive is the exceptional job that the organisers did on producing video sessions on the conference, which also are subtitled in a variety of languages. 

The video resources can be found at Videos and include the following titles:

Congratulations to Fundacion ONCE on the production of such a wonderful resource to disseminate cutting-edge research on accessible tourism.

Photo: A chance to improve destination management for accessible tourism - republished from 

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