(Dis)Embodied Air
Travel Experiences: Disability, Discrimination and the Affect of a
Discontinuous Air Travel Chain
Simon Darcy
University of
Technology, Sydney, Australia
Address for correspondence:
Simon Darcy, Associate Professor, UTS Business School, University of
Technology, Sydney, P.O. Box 222 Lindfield NSW 2070, Australia. E-mail: simon.darcy@uts.edu.au
This article presents
an investigation of the embodied air travel experiences of people with
disability. The study was informed by human rights frameworks, social
approaches to disability and critical tourism. The research design included a
review of newspaper articles, human rights complaint cases, open-ended
responses to a survey on the tourism experiences of people with disabilities
and semistructured in-depth interviews. The findings revealed that the air
travel practices routinely contravened disability discrimination legislation
and identified a series of socially constructed constraints across the air
travel chain from the preplanning of trips through to disembarking after a
flight. What emerged from these experiences was that the embodied individuals
became (dis)embodied at each stage of the air travel chain. The inequitable,
inaccessible, undignified and dependent practices resulted in heightened
anxiety, increased helplessness and, in some cases, humiliation to which they
were not subjected in their everyday lives.
Keywords: air travel;
travel chain; disability; embodiment; human rights; citizenship; lived
experience; social model
The genesis of this article came from ongoing media coverage over the last two decades of the air travel experiences of people with disability (PwD) — a global phenomenon not restricted to western or eastern practices or the developed or developing world. Two recent examples from Europe (European Disability Forum, 2011) and New Zealand (The Dominion Post, 2011) identified that the issue is not just a case of service failure but one of disability discrimination. Disability discrimination occurs when PwD are treated less fairly than people without a disability before the law. The newspaper articles highlight the multidimensional outcome for the individuals involved — discriminatory practices had the effect of constraining their citizenship. The media examples link the theoretical developments in the study of disability, tourism and the growing body of knowledge on accessible tourism. The issue falls within the United Nations Convention On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPWD), which is underpinned by social approaches to disability (Kayess & French, 2008). The article takes up the challenge posed by disability studies academics (Shakespeare & Watson, 2001; Thomas, 2004) to incorporate a more complex understanding of embodiment than the current dichotomous social model understanding of impairment and disability (as discussed later). To this end, critical theory in tourism has also incorporated embodiment as core to its approach and it is argued that the social model of disability and critical tourism bodies of knowledge provide an opportunity to move beyond identifying constraints to seek transformative outcomes for tourists with disabilities.
To read more please see either
Epilogue - the Italian experience
When referencing the paper please quote
Darcy, S. (2012).
(Dis)Embodied Air Travel Experiences: Disability, Discrimination and the Affect
of a Discontinuous Air Travel Chain. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Management, 19(e8 August), 1-11.
Buhalis, D., & Darcy, S. (Eds.). (2011). Accessible Tourism:
Concepts and Issues. Bristol, UK: Channel View Publications.
European Disability Forum. (2011, 15 April). Clear Violation of Eu
Regulation Leads to Discrimination of Passengers with Disabilities Retrieved 23
April, 2011, from http://www.edf-feph.org/Page_Generale.asp?DocID=13855&thebloc=27020
Kayess, R., & French, P. (2008). Out of Darkness into Light? Introducing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Human Rights Law Review, 8(1), 1-34.
The Dominion Post. (2011, 13
April 2011). 'Humiliated': Jetstar Slammed over Refusing to Fly Disabled
Passengers, Sydney Morning Herald.
Retrieved from http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-news/humiliated-jetstar-slammed-over-refusing-to-fly-disabled-passengers-20110413-1ddm0.html
United Nations. (2006). Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities. New York http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/rights/convtexte.htm: United Nations General Assembly A/61/611 - 6 December